Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Fruit is not only for me and you...

In the name of Allah (swt) the most gracious the merciful, the one who gave us the strength and ability to walk and talk, to see and to hear, to smell and taste and to touch all the bounties he has blessed our helpless creation with… Allah (swt) is truly the one who sustains us and allows us to communicate. Allah (swt) is the one who gives us provisions and has total control over every breath we take and will take if Allah (swt) wills.
The hills that surround us and the mountains around us are all the creations of the one and only Allah (swt). The waters deep and dark and every tree with its finest detailed bark are the creations of the most high and praised Allah (swt). The birds flap above the ground and the smiles and childish frowns are of the creations of Allah (swt). Would you deny the times you cry that the one you praised never saved you? How can it be the creator of you and I never left you to die… Then will you deny Allah (swt) holds up the sky?...We have the truth why are we tripping…

We have the lottery ticket and we have the key to Paradise…why are we denying the favors Allah (swt) has blessed us with…Life is short to waste…Alhamdulillah today I met up with a brother who converted just an hour after I met him…Allah (swt) guides whom he wills…2 days prior to this incident another person on the train accepted the truth from myself and another brother… People are coming to the truth in large numbers on a daily basis… we are forgetting our purpose and holding off the Dawah…

Our life is short and our message is clear, welcoming and sweet then why are we holding on to the truth in our hearts? Is it shame or is it selfishness? We will have to answer sooner or later… the people of the west are hungry and craving for the truth…why are we not sharing our treasures? Why are we ashamed of our truth? O the people of truth let us fear not for the ones who spread the truth will enter gardens for eternity and this is a promise from Allah (swt)… Let us be amongst those Allah (swt) the most honored mentions in his Book as the ones who arise to enjoin others to follow what is right….

“Let there arise from among you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong. They are the ones to attain felicity.” [Quran 3: 104]

O the speakers and followers of the truth…why are we hiding…have we not hidden these gems enough already? Are we not the ones depriving the craving souls of the sweetness we feel? Are we not starving the already starved? What is it that we want? O the workers of the truth let us not talk excessively but let us spread this fruit like it is meant to be spread…O the ones who bow down in piety let us not die with this truth in our heart alone but let us share it with ever soul we see… let us Invite to the way of Allah (swt)

Invite all to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching And argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: For thy Lord knows best who has strayed from His Path and who receives guidance. [Quran, 16: 125]

O my brethren we have the truth let us spread it before the dust of the grave is spread over us… May Allah (swt) forgive us, forgive us for nothing but watching them stray away from Islam…Ameen


Blogger Shahzeen Karim said...

mashAllah mashAllah!! I love your blog!

Jzk for your comments.

Wa salaam.

6:42 PM  

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