Friday, March 21, 2008

Our minds are fed...our hearts left to dry

بِـسْـمِ اللهِ الرَّحـْمـنِ الرَّحِـيـم

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

In the west we are continuously bombarded with the whispers that infiltrate our hearts. These whispers come through various mediums and attack us as we continue to progress through life. At a young age we are fed fairy tales that keep us thinking we are being raised in a utopia.

As we progress in life and reach the teenage point of our lives we are forced to comply with the pressures of society and the media which once was in forms of fairy tales and cute stories becomes not only what we see but an intricate part of who we are.

At this very gentle stage in life we are not growing up watching fairy tales but yet a certain mentality lurks within our hearts and minds. Firstly we were made vulnerable by basing everything on fairy tales and being kept from seeing the reality of the world and life itself then we are fed a life that we wish to strive for such as that of a celebrity which holds no reality to it.

Once we have decided who we wish to be after the teenage years we are now thrown to the wolves dressed as sheep and striving for it. Now we must concentrate on making capital and stabilizing ourselves so we can linger in luxury working nine to five and double jobs to get that which we desire for what we consider happiness. Many of us stay at this certain period of our life and live the rest of our life fighting for freedom and happiness. Very rarely do we see success after this stage and when we do it lacks happiness as we have exhausted all our youth and now not only are we retired with our work but we have retired our youth.

With this cycle of life being followed by majority of the people in the Ummah today we are kept so busy in developing our life in this world that the most important stabilization needed is left unplanned. One of the most beautiful things of Islam is that we will be held accountable for every action that we do and no one died for our sins as we will be responsible for the actions we take.

This is a promise from Allah Subhanahuwatallah who promises us that we will be judged on our deeds and in the end Allah Subhanahuwatallah will decide our place in either the dark cruelest of hell fires or the luxury and sweetness of the beauties of Jannah. Although in the end the decision is to be made with the permission of Allah Subhanahuwatallah the basis of the decision is based on the actions which we make in our life and the sacrifices and path we choose with our heart and mind.

“Soon an easy account will be taken from him.
And he will return to his family rejoicing.
And whoever is given his record of deeds behind his back -
Soon he will pray for death.
And will go into the blazing fire.
Indeed he used to rejoice in his home.
He assumed that he does not have to return.
Surely yes,Why not? Indeed his Lord is seeing him.”
Inshiqaq 84:8-15

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Fail or Pass? ...You decide...

In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful.

Each breath that passes and each soul that is taken away from the world will be held accountable for. Each step towards any direction and each feeling towards any thought we will be questioned about. On that day all authority will be solely in the hands of the one who holds the key to ease and success.

We find that we sometimes get caught up in the luxuries of this world. Each need, want and necessities play an intricate role in creating the lifestyle that we choose. Allah swt has given us the option of choice. Each sole holds the burden and or ease of the choices that we make. One can choose to walk to the correct path or to divert to the path which leads to total failure and ultimately destruction.

One of the habits that we have developed and instilled within ourselves is that we have made ourselves immune to the evils of the enemy of Allah swt the Shaitan. One example is that we find ourselves to feel that it is perfectly fine that we go against the natural laws of order that Allah swt has created upon all of believing men and women.

"Be not soft in speech, lest those in whose heart is a disease should be moved
with desire" (al-Ahzab 32).

And come not near to unlawful sexual
intercourse. Verily, it is a faahishah (a great sin) and an evil way." (17:32)

This Ayah/verse refers to the relationship between two individuals who have no binding relationship such as an estranged women and man. However we have made ourselves immune to the idea of engaging in what is titled as “friendship” between those of the opposite gender. Not a single individual in the west can come forth and say that refraining from talking to one in the opposite gender is an easy task. Instilled in all of mankind despite the level of religiousness is desire. Truly this desire is one of the tests that we face as Muslims in the west.

“Do the men think that on their [mere] saying 'We believe', they will be left to
themselves, and will not be put to the test? We certainly put to the test those
that were before them” (29:2-3)

Time has not left us as of yet as if you are reading this then the opportunity awaits you. We hear many times that “any day can be your last” and “this life is short” and we have heard of many die around us so we must not become immune the idea of death and feel so secure. Security is not for our soles for the angel of death will take is when it is written for us. The angel of death will come to us surely and take our soles depending on the choices we make. One can deny being good but not a single sold can deny the reality of death.

“The (angels who) snatch (the souls of the disbelievers) forcibly.”
“And those who gently take (the souls of the believers) joyfully”

I leave you with this verse as is speaks for itself with clarity and knowledge and if one opens there heart and understands that the time is now to turn back to Allah swt then they have succeeded in this life and the next and they have taken the path of success and there soul will be taken with ease Inshallah.

"Say: Oh my servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of
the mercy of Allah, for Allah forgives all sins; for He is oft-forgiving, most
merciful." [39:53]

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Lost in the Desert..Trust in Allah

In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful. By the very pen that I write and from the heart and mind that generate each and every thought I poor out into this writing I ask you to make my intention purely for your sake and I ask you to guide us all on your path and onto the path of the ones who were promised the heaven that you so beautifully have designed.

Imagine now that you are lost in a desert and the only survival method you have is a bottle of water. The bottle of water will last you and after that point it is up to Allah swt to provide you with water. Would you drink the water right away and say “Allah swt will provide me with water and I should have enough faith in him” or would you firstly take the precaution of conserving the water in order to come to a point where drinking the water becomes mandatory and you solely drink that water to limited portions as needed.

Clearly the sane one would take the second option consuming the water in portions and when needed. One may ask the concept behind the story or the moral of the story is truly that many times we put our belief in Allah swt in the wrong way or we fail to understand his way of protection for us.

[Then once you have taken a decision, place your trust in Allah (tawakkal `ala Allah)] (Aal `Imran 3:159).

The Prophet Muhammad said: "Whosoever desires that Allah answers his duas in unfavourable and difficult conditions, he should make plentiful dua in days of ease and comfort."

Allah swt protects us when we take the steps to seek his protection. Many complain that Allah swt doesn’t answer the duas they make however if one were to ask them if they make the five time prayers they would probably say that they don’t pray. If you are not showing that you care or are in need of help then the giver will not give you. The same person doesn’t expect to get paid at work and not show up because clearly the concept is what you work for you will receive and that is the justice of Allah swt.

The Prophet Muhammad said to one of his Companions, "Tie your camel first and then place your trust in Allah. "

One can also now see a trend of people putting there trust in Allah swt through other means such as having a Quran in there chains or tied to there necks and believing that through the Quran they will be saved in certain situations. It can be said that the Quran is a very powerful book however the Quran physically is still a book compromised of paper and ink. The glory and the power of the Quran lies in the words and belief in it. It is not proper to put your belief into a book or a little paper with writing on it.

Further we see when a scholar takes out evil from one who has evil within them they do it through the recitation of the Quran. Furthermore we see that at the time of the Prophet Muhammad saw the Quran was not physically compiled and the Quran was in the hearts and not until later was it compiled into a book.

[ These are the Ayats of Revelation of a Qur'an that makes things clear.)] (15:1 A. L. R.).

Meaning that the Quran came to clarify and to protect from its Ayat meaning its signs and verses. Furthermore we see that from all the examples the main reason that we follow the Quran and not just use it physically to protect us is:

Sa’ad (Radihiallaho Anho) reported: Once I went to Ayesha (Radihiallaho Anha) and her father and asked them about the character and conduct of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) to which Ayesha (Radihiallaho Anho) replied: Don't you read the Quran? I said: Yes. She said: The character of the Messenger of Allah is the Quran.

The Prophet’s saw character was the Quran, the sahabahs didn’t wear any sort of chains or papers with writings on them to protect them rather they followed the Sunnah and acted on the Quran. Allah guides those who seek his guidance. One must ask Allah swt with the proper ways and ask Allah swt with the proper intentions. One must also think logically and deal with there situation with what methods they can and ask Allah swt to help them along there path.

Never forget Some faces that Day will be shining and radiant, looking at their Lord…} (al-Qiyaamah:22-3)…May Allah swt guide us an save us all…And Allah swt knows best.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Clearing my mind and Heart

In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful
All praise is due to the one who gives us the opportunity to take each breath and to live each moment that truly would have not been if it wasn't for his permission. I bear witness that no one else is worth of all praise and worship but Allah (Swt) the all mighty, the all knowing and truly the all aware. I bear witness and openly testify that Muhammad (Saw) is the last and final messenger of Allah (Swt). Here is something I wrote up while having a few thoughts on my mind, It may be a bit confusing as I wrote this as I was pouring my thoughts out as they came along. As always I write what I feel in my heart and Inshallah its a reminder for myself. If you are offended then may Allah (Swt) forgive me Also I apologize for the hundred of spelling mistakes.

Always love those who love Allah unconditionally. This way you will ensure that you live for Him, love for Him, and hate for Him(those who are enemies of Him). The ummah has fallen into a great plague where we love to divide amongst ourselves we have coined up terms such as Sufi, Salafi, Tableekhi although these are all ways of practice but we have used these terms to create a division not in worship but in the love that is to be between us all and this very nature that we have created is destroying us from within.

The gems of Islam and its beauty are within the hearts of all of us as we are Muslim when we are born however the ones who polish these gems will only be the ones who attain and achieve the wealth in the end. This life will consist of test as Allah (swt) says
“And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and foods, but give glad tidings to As-Sabirun (the patient ones). Who, when afflicted with calamity, say: 'Truly! To Allah (swt) we belong and truly, to him we shall return.'”(Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:155-6)
Inshallah May Allah (Swt) guide as keep our hearts clean and make us live life to live in Jannah and allow us to live simple Inshallah yet with joy. I remind you to learn to forgive people as people change.

In the world today we see trends, in the world today we see the society has become very compact and the human mind and heart have led to believe whatever is being fed to them. Critical thinking has been taken away as it is replaced by materialistic thinking. One may ask what the exact difference between critical thinking and materialistic thinking is and the answer is clearly defined as that the natural disposition of man leads man to think naturally and the influenced disposition of man leads one to think materialistic.

Influence of many kinds truly play a deep role in the functions and in the shaping of society. We find that anything out of the norms or the so called "norms" is thought as different and not acceptable. These out of norms referred to are not the differences which exist between culture but however between religious beliefs. Although one may feel accepted it is not acceptance. Acceptance is the ability to think freely and theability to act freely without a threat from those around. One is not free to think if ones heart is held captive to the materialistic pressures of the society natural disposition of man is one that calls upon when in need one who is of higher power or one some refer to as a "creator" who created the creation. Today we find that the Muslims from all of the various religious beliefs are being looked upon as "strange" or "out of the norm of society".

It is with this view point that we are pushed and challenged to either continue to be looked upon as these outcasts or to give in and assimilate and compromise the beautiful way of the Sunnah of the Prophet (Saw). Today we find that across the global Muslims are being challenged on the issue of the veil, we find brothers are being challenged on the issue of the beard and so on. The ummah is being pushed into a corner and we don't even know it. The Muslims in the west are being set up and can not even see the traps. One may wonder why this is happening or why the Muslims?. To clear up the issue of "why" clearly the Muslims are strange and are different. We see the Muslims are not welcome in the modern world, Although they are told they are truly deep down inside they aren't. Anything out of normal is not welcome in this society and this is clear.
Either the way of the west lives and everything else is finished as this so called "democracy" is being spread. The Prophet (Saw) said to us 1400 years ago that Muslims would not be accepted into today's society. The Prophet (Saw) said "Islam came as something strange and it will return as something strange and heaven is for the strangers". If we want heaven then we will never compromise who we are and what we stand for. In this society if the non Muslims don't like the veil our beautiful sisters wear to cover themselves then let it be known that the sisters will never compromise that beautiful right they have because one day that same sister will be "strange" in the mall and in the eyes of the kuffar and the next she will dwell in Jannah forever. The brother who is looked upon as strange for not going on dates and growing a beard will be looked upon as "strange" one day however the next he will be in Jannah forever. The question comes down to this "what do we want?"

If we want Jannah then we ganna be strange,hated and looked down upon and if we want the temporary luxury of this life then it is available to us. Islam will never change and in the end it will be dominant and it will rule. This is the reality of Islam and the religion of Allah (Swt). We must free our minds and make ourselves think critically about our lives and how we live them we must also feel like we are strange as this shows that we are guided and we must always know that if we are strange and that our mind is free and we areworking for Allah (Swt) then nothing but Jannah awaits us. Let us not love this short life but let us live forever in Jannah and let us all meet in Jannah Inshallah. Jannah or Jahanum? The key to each is infront of you take the path you want.
May Allah (Swt) guide us all Inshallah.

Also I suggest all of you to check out this link and if you in the GTA to reach Inshallah Sheikh Abdul Bary Yahya will be breaking down the Importance and the proper way to Pray Salah Inshallah. Contact me for more info.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Innocent have been caged

In the name of Allah the most gracious most merciful

O dear brothers and sisters Inshallah you read this in the comfort of your home secure and safe. Truly Allah the most high has the power to provide safety and comfort to whom Allah pleases and discomfort and insecurity to whomever Allah pleases. Inshallah I firstly remind myself from Alhamdulillah the comfort of my home that our comfort in this life is short and that we should not get too comfortable with this life that we live. Brothers and sisters I secondly remind myself and whoever is reading this is that many of those whom had the comfort we have now have been stripped of this so called privilege.
O brothers and sisters the hadith books remind us of what trials and tribulations the Muslims will have to face and the scholars in the beautiful Masjids remind us of how crucial our faith is at this very time that we currently live in. our youth are being taken from the comfort of our homes and locked up with so called “evidence”. Our sisters are being left lingering for the brothers and struggling to raise the beautiful children because the fathers have been put into jail. Is this cry not enough to move our hearts?

“And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and foods, but give glad tidings to As-Sabirun (the patient ones). Who, when afflicted with calamity, say: 'Truly! To Allah (swt) we belong and truly, to him we shall return.'”(Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:155-6)

O dear brothers and sisters we are being tested, the community is being tested and all those who have been arrested and found guilty until innocent are being tested. Truly this is a time in which the Muslims need to act in terms of performing our salah, making dua and getting involved in the community. The time of Fiqh differences has left us and we face not an internal fight but one collectively. O beautiful slave today the brother, sister, son, husband or wife of one and tomorrow ours. The time has come for the Muslims to understand we must become serious about our prayers, adab and our pursuit to gain knowledge in order to be granted the pleasure of Allah Inshallah. O beautiful slave we are in times of ease as the times will become far more difficult on the Ummah and May Allah save us from these times.

There will come a time when those who are patient in their religion, will be like the ones who have burning coal in their hands.(Narrated by Imam Tarmizi.)

Inshallah we will not face such times and Inshallah Allah will grant us patience. It is our duty to call others to this deen, it is our duty to be the flag bearers of this deen and it is our duty to act as the ones who help those who are in need of our assistances. O beautiful slaves we are hearing cries of sever pain and seeing tears of blood from Middle East and to the West. O slave of the highest will you help wipe these years of tears and suffering from the hearts of the innocent or will you ignore them?
The innocent have been caged

I dedicate these words to the innocent youth of the Ummah being held around the world with no solid evidence of any of the charges.

To The flowers of the blossoming deen, To the walkers of the siratul mustaqeem and to the ones whom Allah looks upon as the Mumineen

O Allah all praise and respect is due to you
O Allah cursed are those who neglect you and truly as are those who reject you.
O Allah you are the one worthy of all praise and all good words and we ask you alone to not make us of those who’s hearts are of stone.

Your test is tough on them and you never put something they cant bare but we know o beautiful Allah these kinds of blossoms are rare

The innocent have been caged and there freedom stripped when will we realize that our youth have tripped?

In cells they awake and in cells they sleep in cells they pray and in cells they weep.

Tears for the all mighty to hear them cry, tears of suffering as they slowly die, tears full of love and fear in prayer that Allah is near.

Young and old they sit in cells mistreatment and ruthless smells in Jannah they will have the status that excels and therein for good they will dwell.

O Allah make it easy on them and keep them strong O Allah with your help they can never go wrong.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Pack your bags wisely O traveler

In search of lust and desires we live for our hearts clinging to our desires like a thread that’s been stripped of its threading. Our lives revolve around the boxes that sit in our living rooms. These boxes giving stories and tales of the wicked being fed to the innocent hearts of our children taking the place of the Quran in our house holds. Have we lost our minds or was it just our heart that we have given or is it now both? O beautiful slave of Allah (Swt) let us save ourselves now. We were created to worship and the perfection of this world will remain in the world. What do we strive for? is it the success of the luxuries of this life? Have we forgotten O beautiful created soul that we are but travelers in this life?

"Be in this world as though you were a stranger or a traveler/wayfarer."

These are the words of the beautiful Prophet Muhammad (Saw) the same prophet the media we seek our entertainment from has bashed. O slave of Allah (Swt) what guarantee do you hold over your oxygen? What enjoyment are we seeking? We travel together and our journey may differ but our end is one. Our end is dust, gravel and soil of this earth. What is it that we seek from this world that will pleasure us forever?

“And the worldly life is not but amusement and diversion but the home of Hereafter is best for those who fear Allah. Will you not then reason?” (Quran 6:32)

Our choices are clear and our destinations are given so choose the path that you want to end with. Do not expect to breathe forever for the air we breathe belongs to the most powerful. 'Umar, radiyallahu 'an said:

"When evening comes, do not expect (to live till) morning, and when morning comes, do not expect (to live till) evening."

We will not be spared and truly we are not immortal nor can we escape from this stage every living soul shall go through for death is a reality that will be tasted by every living soul just as Allah (Swt) has told us many times in the Quran.

"The Angel of Death, put in charge of you, will (duly) take your souls: then shall you be brought back to your Lord.” (Quran 32:11)

Wherever you are, death will find you out, even if you are towers built up strong and high. (Quran 4:78)

On the day of judgment shall the true worshippers be given what they deserved and strived for and those who rejected is given what they worked and strived for so O slave of Allah (Swt) be careful what you work and strive for. On a day when mothers will throw infants in fear of fate that awaits them and the scream “Myself, Myself” every one will say worrying about themselves.

“The Day that the sky will be like the boiling filth of oil, (or molten copper or silver or lead, etc.).
And the mountains will be like flakes of wool,
And no friend will ask of a friend.”
(Quran 70:7-9)

May we be of those who receive the glad tiding of the truly happy and successful and receive the shade of Allah (Swt) on the day of torment. This life is truly a test for those who believe and we are truly travelers so we must pack our bags with the best of luggage so our end is in the gardens of perpetual bliss. Truly only those who truly believe and strive in the worship of Allah (Swt) will be given the welcoming of paradise.

“But give glad tidings to those who believe and work righteousness, that their portion is Gardens, beneath which rivers flow. Every time they are fed with fruits there from, they say: Why, this is what we were fed with before," for they are given things in similitude; and they have therein companions pure (and holy); and they abide therein (for ever)” (Quran 2:25)

Friday, February 24, 2006

An Article I Wrote a While Back

Little space do we have in our hearts for true Heroes. Our heroes are those who are fed to us through the television sets that lavishly act as slow killers to our minds and hearts. Our heroes are actors and actresses who make money off of our joyful ignorance. These so called heroes some of them confused even of their own sexuality assimilate our minds in accepting to the perversions that they preach.

The dictionary defines role model as a person who serves as a model in a particular behavioral or social role for another person to emulate. Thus a role model in this current society is one whom we emulate in our day to day dealings in our dress, behavior and character. If we truly say we love the Prophet (PBUH) like we all say we do then we should do our best to imitate him in these aspects of life.

The Prophet (PBUH) said referring to the Day of Judgment “You will be with those whom you love.” The scholars of Hadith have ruled out in agreement that this particular type of love is not just simply affection. However the love referred to in this particular Hadith is the love you act upon in order to follow the Sunnah of the Beautiful Prophet (PBUH).

History tells us of real men and real woman. Men and woman who were so brave that they stood ground and fought armies on their own who were so intellectual that until this day their tactics of man to man combat, infantry and war are until this day practiced and used as training guides in modern warfare. Men who knew how to not only fight wars but also be honest in business and maintain the purest and healthiest house holds to ever live on.

Men who took care of citizens by morning, defended the truth in the battlefield by evening and fulfilled the obligations of assisting in family chores at home and spend the last third of the night standing in prayer to the one and only all mighty God to whom they dedicated there life to in entirety.

Men and woman who created systems that currently provide welfare, social order and justice in the so called modern developed world. Woman who watched there young beautiful and innocent children be buried alive and were able to move on and act as the best and sweetest of mothers. These are the role models whom we have lost spaces in our hearts for. There every detail and words cast tears in our eyes. Tears of shame and confusion for truly without the hard work of these role models and the dedication they had for the worship of Allah (SWT) leave us with nothing but guilt and love for them.

We have replaced the names and spaces in our hearts of the most gentle of creations such as Ummul Momineen Ayesha Siddiqui (RA) and the most strongest of creation like Khalid bin Walid also known as Saifullah/ The Sword of Allah (SWT) with people like Tupac Shakur and Jennifer Lopez who if we act like guarantee to us nothing but more time in the blazing hell fire. Our minds and hearts are filled with lyrics of these so called role models that contradict the Ayahs of the Holy Quran.

A role model is one whom we can look up to and not be confused. A role model is one whom is not taking from you but rather giving back to you. A role model is not someone whom you must buy products to relate to them. A role model is not someone who has more then you in wealth or beauty.

The role models that once walked this earth are now either in the darkest deepest holes or in the most spacious, brightest and relaxed environments ever felt to them. The decision is in our hands. Death is a reality the purest of creation the Prophets have faced it and we will also face this reality. We see the reality of death around us on a daily bases. An earth quake in Pakistan kills 40 000 the same night in Guatemala a mud slide swallows a village of 1 400. The life of this world truly has no guarantee death can come to us anytime as it came to these people.

Allah says in the Quran in numerous places that punishment will strike when least expected. In Surah Ash-Shu'ara where Allah (SWT) tells us of the story of the prophet Musa (PBUH) and Firuan Allah (SWT) says “The (Penalty) will come to them of a sudden, while they perceive it not”.

We are not aware of when our time is. A young baby who is born may very well die the next day and an old person on the last expected hours may live for further days. The reality is told to us clear in Surah Al Imran when Allah (SWT) says “every soul shall have a taste of death”.

Allah (SWT) is all knowing and all aware. He is the creator of life and death. We bow to him and pray to him. He gives us sustenance and we rely on him for each and every bounty he gives us. Allah (SWT) is in need of nothing of us. Truly if we understand this concept then we can grasp the power to understand that we must worship with all entirety and be like the one whom he has commanded us to be like the beautiful Prophet (SAW).

The choice is in our hands to be as we choose heaven is given to us as is hell because truly in the end “You will be with those whom you love” so ask yourself who is it that you love? And Allah (SWT) knows best.

"Whether ye hide what is in your hearts or reveal it, Allah knows it all: He knows what is in the heavens, and what is on earth. And Allah has power over all things.” Al-Imran