Friday, March 21, 2008

Our minds are fed...our hearts left to dry

بِـسْـمِ اللهِ الرَّحـْمـنِ الرَّحِـيـم

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

In the west we are continuously bombarded with the whispers that infiltrate our hearts. These whispers come through various mediums and attack us as we continue to progress through life. At a young age we are fed fairy tales that keep us thinking we are being raised in a utopia.

As we progress in life and reach the teenage point of our lives we are forced to comply with the pressures of society and the media which once was in forms of fairy tales and cute stories becomes not only what we see but an intricate part of who we are.

At this very gentle stage in life we are not growing up watching fairy tales but yet a certain mentality lurks within our hearts and minds. Firstly we were made vulnerable by basing everything on fairy tales and being kept from seeing the reality of the world and life itself then we are fed a life that we wish to strive for such as that of a celebrity which holds no reality to it.

Once we have decided who we wish to be after the teenage years we are now thrown to the wolves dressed as sheep and striving for it. Now we must concentrate on making capital and stabilizing ourselves so we can linger in luxury working nine to five and double jobs to get that which we desire for what we consider happiness. Many of us stay at this certain period of our life and live the rest of our life fighting for freedom and happiness. Very rarely do we see success after this stage and when we do it lacks happiness as we have exhausted all our youth and now not only are we retired with our work but we have retired our youth.

With this cycle of life being followed by majority of the people in the Ummah today we are kept so busy in developing our life in this world that the most important stabilization needed is left unplanned. One of the most beautiful things of Islam is that we will be held accountable for every action that we do and no one died for our sins as we will be responsible for the actions we take.

This is a promise from Allah Subhanahuwatallah who promises us that we will be judged on our deeds and in the end Allah Subhanahuwatallah will decide our place in either the dark cruelest of hell fires or the luxury and sweetness of the beauties of Jannah. Although in the end the decision is to be made with the permission of Allah Subhanahuwatallah the basis of the decision is based on the actions which we make in our life and the sacrifices and path we choose with our heart and mind.

“Soon an easy account will be taken from him.
And he will return to his family rejoicing.
And whoever is given his record of deeds behind his back -
Soon he will pray for death.
And will go into the blazing fire.
Indeed he used to rejoice in his home.
He assumed that he does not have to return.
Surely yes,Why not? Indeed his Lord is seeing him.”
Inshiqaq 84:8-15


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