Sunday, October 23, 2005

Every Soul Shall Taste Death

In the Name of Allah The creator of the heaven and the earth and all the beauty that is held between this earth temporarly is his. Last Night we were suppose to have a small Qiyam for about 10 brothers maximum however Alhamdulillah I guess allot of brothers wanted to attend. The number rose to 30 and it turned out to be a learning expereince for everyone. We played around for the start of the night. Next I ended up giving a 2 hour lecture on the basic things in our life that we need to give attention to and ofcourse death. After this we decided to take some brothers to the grave yard and we let them think about life and then had a short talk. We ended up starting Qiyam at about 3 and Alhamdulillah it was sweet. One of my freinds topped it up with a heart warming Dua which I will post later Inshallah.After Qiyam I eneded up putting up a little comedy show which was really nice as the brothers need to enjoy some entertainment as well. Alhamdulillah we got a chance to talk to some of them about there problems at home and drugs and stuff. Alhamdulillah that how my beautiful night turned out. Truly in the end Allah (swt) has control over all that is in the heaven and the earth.

If you could see, when the angels take the souls of the unbelievers (at death), how they smite their faces and their backs, saying: taste the penalty of the blazing fire. Because of the deeds which your own hands sent forth: For God is never unjust to his servants. (8:50-51)

Friday, October 21, 2005


The Prophet Muhammad said may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him: Your Heaven lies under the feet of your mother (Ahmad, Nasai).


Its been more then a Month since my last Blog so I decided might as well write a new one as 2 people told me to update...Sad but yeah aleast someone reads it... lol... Alhamdulillah Ramadans Amazing I feel like its almost done however Inshallah I think the last ten days are ganna be amazing.

The khutbah today at school was really amazing also its what I want to discuss in my blog.It made me was about respecting our parents.

Just about 2 weeks ago I was at the Mall grabbing a jacket for the winter... I was at footlocker just looking around and I saw a non-Muslim girl with a few of her friends who were also looking at jackets when the attention of her ring tone got to me she picked up her phone and this is kind of what the conversation went like:

"Mom Im busy shopping Gosh cant you ever leave me alone shi*...Anyways Im busy Ill be home later... Whatever ...Bye"...After hanging up she turned to her friend and said My Moms being all Bitch* on me"

This is the same mother that held on to her for nine months, stayed up for her, cried for her and went through all this pain for her...How sick can you be to talk even dare to speak to one of the most beautiful of creations in such a manner... I still don't understand...I’m not the best of kids but that is very sad that someone treats half of there heart like that...

"We have enjoined on man kindness to his parents; in pain did his mother bear him, and in pain did she give him birth" (46:15).

In today's Khutbah I was constantly thinking about this incident and how amazing it is that we are chosen to walk with the message of Islam and to carry it in our heart and how beautiful our parents are and the Noor they will have on the day of judgment Inshallah for raising us...Truly it is our responsibility to announce it from Ghetto to Ghetto and house to house...Islam is for all...And it came to bring peace and understanding to people like this girl...It came to bring sweetness to life and death..It is the only way of life and the complete and its worth giving life for and its worth saving life for...Its not half its more then full...

I also wanted to talk about our tears... Yes tears...I think this is a very important issue...A lot of people have not experienced the sweetness in tears... The Prophet Saw used to cry a lot...Omar RA cried so much so that he had marks running down the side of his cheeks from his tears...I think that when a Muslim cries when reading the Quran and or in Salah I believe it is a very powerfully thing...And it helps the heart start strong for the Sake of Allah SWT... So Iv heard...

Islam is the best thing that can happen to someone and it is like a guidance to all...Inshallah I hope Allah SWT helps us to respect our parents and care for them more and to kiss them when we can and to Inshallah cry for the sake of Allah swt and to spread the truth of Islam Inshallah...

Jazkhallah Khair

Wasalma alaiakauam

"Allah does not love the proud."
[16.Surah An-Nahl : Ayah 23]

I love My Mom for the sake of Allah Swt :)